About the Workflow

This workflow pairs the power of 3D mobile mapping with our automated wall extraction software to deliver floor plans for large buildings with unprecedented efficiency.

The Gexcel HERON® wearable mobile laser scanner captures site conditions in accurate 3D while you walk. Combine it with the EdgeWise Building™ Revit plug-in to automate the floor-plan modeling process and speed up your workflow significantly.

Workflow Benefits

Scan More in Less Time

HERON scans continuously as you walk, eliminating the time-consuming setups required for terrestrial scanning. Speed up the data-collection process and reduce your capture workflow times from days to minutes.

Reduce Registration & Data Processing Time

HERON’s advanced algorithms track its location as it moves, enabling a fast registration workflow anyone can perform. The Global Optimization tool ensures fast data processing and best-in-class global accuracy.

Visualize Changes in Real Time

HERON compares live scan data against previously captured conditions to highlight site changes as you walk. See variations displayed in red and use them to flag potential problem areas or clean noise caused by moving objects. Export the data in a variety of formats for use in EdgeWise or other applications.

Model Walls and Levels Automatically

EdgeWise Building automates floor plan modeling from terrestrial and mobile point clouds. After a few manual editing and processing steps, the software automatically finds most of the walls and levels in the scan data while it runs in the background.

Translate an As-Built Model to a Revit Model

The EdgeWise Building Revit plug-in offers powerful features for generating documentation-ready models. Redraw the geometry natively in Revit with total control over rationalization. Configure options for wall thickness or increments for aligning angled walls. Lock in accuracy by specifying maximum displacement for all rotations, and more.

How Does It Work?

Want to learn more? Click here for an in-depth look at our workflow solution
Generate Floor Plans Faster With the Heron and Edgewise Building Workflow