Tired of costly errors and delays? Elevate your projects with Verity.
Verity’s advanced technology ensures precise installations, accurate as-built models, and arms you with tagged drawings, sheets, and schedules based on your high-accuracy point cloud data.
Act now and get a free 30-day Verity license and basic training when you sign up by September 12th!
Verity’s Revit integration empowers architects and contractors to ensure quality and mitigate risk on building construction projects. Automatically compare high-accuracy as-built point cloud data with Revit® models to check installation quality or validate design models against existing conditions. Easily create accurate as-built models and leverage Revit’s® robust documentation capabilities to create sheets and schedules, all based on your Verity analysis
Generate heat maps and color-coded reports to quickly identify deviation, bending, or deflection. Provide a complete record of installed work and obtain detailed measurements of any deviations outside of specified tolerances.
Verity’s Revit integration makes model/point cloud comparison a two-way street. Ensure your design model matches existing conditions, or that your model is truly “as-built” using Verity’s QA/QC tools.
Automatically create an as-built copy of out of tolerance elements that you can easily compare or snap your Revit family objects to.
Perform QA/QC analysis then push properties to Revit to create tagged drawings and schedules that feature deviations and installation errors displayed in the context of the project to precisely locate and remediate issues in the field.
Discover how you can advance Your QA Workflows With More Accurate Quality Assessments