Verity - Revit® Integration Beta
Verity’s direct integration with Revit empowers you to ensure quality and mitigate risk on your building construction projects by automatically comparing as-built point cloud data with any Autodesk Revit model. Verify 100% of installed work or validate your design model against existing conditions using Verity’s advanced QA/QC tools. Create a true as-built model and leverage Revit’s robust documentation engine to create annotated sheets and schedules, all based on high-accuracy point cloud data.
Please note that the beta requires an active Verity license for installation.

Here's What You Can Accomplish

Perform Verity Analysis Directly with Revit
Sophisticated computer vision algorithms automatically compare the point cloud to the model, enabling Verity to measure the distance between where an element was meant to go and where it was built. Results are displayed using an intuitive color-coding system to quickly visualize elements installed within tolerance, outside of tolerance, or that are missing entirely. The result is a much more accurate, detailed, and actionable analysis than can be completed using traditional methods on a significantly faster timeline.

Leverage Revit's Robust Documentation Engine
Verity’s direct integration with Revit® empowers you to create industry-standard design and construction documentation based on true as-built data. Perform QA/QC analysis then create annotated drawings and schedules that feature deviations and installation errors displayed in the context of the project to precisely locate and remediate issues.

Efficiently QA Your As-Built Models
Verity's Revit Integration makes as-designed vs. as-built QA/QC workflows a two-way street. Easily compare your as-built model to a point cloud of existing conditions and use customizable heat maps and color-coded reports to identify deviations. Precise measuring tools intuitively display how the design model deviates from real-world conditions.