Trusted by 850+ Industry-Leading Companies

Delivering Best-in-Class Technologies
Construction technology is moving at light speed and the pace of change can make you long for the days of a disto and tape measure. At ClearEdge3D, our mission is to bring new technologies into your workflows that are easy-to-use, and simply make your field and back-office teams more efficient.

Scan-to-BIM Solutions
Model as-built pipes, structural elements, ducts, walls, conduit, and cable trays from point cloud data faster and more accurately than ever before.
Reduce tedious manual modeling
Deliver more accurate as-builts
Move models into Autodesk® Revit®, PDMS, Plant3D, & more
Complete downstream design work faster

“The modeling of MEP and structure in EdgeWise took 25 hours, which was a time savings of about 40 hours. It was really a success.”
Mark Hanna, CEO & Founder, PrecisionPoint, Inc

Construction Verification Solutions
Verify construction work with efficient as-built data capture & robust quality assurance workflows seamlessly integrated with Autodesk® Navisworks®.
Combine layout & scanning into a single instrument
Verify work 10x faster than with other solutions
Get more accurate visual & quantitative variance data
Automatically create a true as-built Navisworks model

“Verity is a powerful new tool to help us understand what’s really going on out in the field. Its tools to re-coordinate the true as-built are incredibly helpful. DPR is excited to use this technology on our future projects.”
Tim Malys, Project Manager, DPR Construction

Floor Flatness & Levelness Solutions
Deliver FF/FL industry compliant reports faster and cost-efectively, reducing data collection and processing time and obtaining insightful data on flooring deviations.
Obtain high quality long-range data
Easily scan and analyze wet concrete
Perform FF/FL analyses on survey control
Visualize flooring deviations with heat & contour maps directly in Navisworks

Scan-to-Plan Solutions
Generate accurate floor plans of large facilities faster with advanced mobile scanning and automated wall and level modeling software that gives you total flexibility to control how your models are represented in Revit.
Capture data and visualize changes as you walk
Localize point cloud data as you scan
Translate to a documentation-ready model in Revit
Model walls and levels automatically

“Many of our project walls were automatically extracted in EdgeWise Building in under 30 mins for each pts file with just the push of a button.”
James Wott, Project Manager, Precision Point
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