Release Notes
New Features
- Added initial support for unified/unstructured terrestrial and mobile scan data.
- This workflow provides a significant analysis performance boost for unified terrestrial/tripod data when compared to using a the original structured data.
- Updated to the Analysis settings form to be more workflow focused.
- Added support for Autodesk® Revit® 2025.
- Upgraded ClearEdge3D Tools For Revit® 0.5.1.
- Added hotkeys for setting the Installation Status when reviewing.
- Set installation status to Installed with the V key.
- Set installation status to Not Found with the X key.
- Added a Tech Preview license option for allowing cloud-shared Revit® models to be analyzed.
- Added the ability to save Verity™ projects in a separate folder from the host document.
- Added a check for directories that are not recommended (Cloud managed folders such as Autodesk® Desktop Connector and OneDrive, network drives, or external hard drives).
- Added a warning for missing or changed elements when copying items to a new analysis.
- Improved error handling in Revit® when opening or copying items in an analysis if referenced scans were unloaded or removed.
- Updated the Revit® parameters that Verity™ pushes:
- Included Verity™ in the parameter name to make them easier to find.
- Updated the Verity™ GUID used for tracking elements to “ClearEdge3D GUID” to make it easier to find.
- Updated the Verity™ parameters pushed into Revit® to match the corresponding data type.
- Updated progress bars to be more accurate, cancellable and the same across all processes.
- Deprecated Verity™ Web functionality.
- Added support for crash reporting.
- Improved telemetry data for exports.
- Set ClearEdge3D Tools for Revit® to always install during installation.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug related to excessive ram usage when working with large point clouds and geometry with large surface areas.
- Fixed a bug when copying items and scans to a new analysis in a Revit® project.
- Fixed bug with hot keys that cause elements that were not selected be changed.
Known Issues
- The measurement tool does not properly show a line.
New Features
- Added support for Autodesk® Navisworks® Manage 2025.
- Added support for Autodesk® Navisworks® Simulate 2025.
- Added a new ‘Add to Verity™ by Active View (Beta)’ button, which adds all visible geometry and scans to an analysis.
- Upgraded ClearEdge3D Tools For Revit® 0.5.0 for additional free tools in Autodesk® Revit® 2025.
- Accepting (A hotkey) an element’s status now moves the view to the next element in the table.
- Performance Improvements
- Analyses done in Revit® are now 2-3x faster in most scenarios.
- Added multi-threading to improved ‘Add to Verity’ performance in Revit®.
- Improved load times for large analyses in Revit®.
- Improved load time when navigating between elements in the Verity™ for Revit® console.
- Added logic to the installer that checks for compatibility with ClearEdge3D Tools For Revit®.
- Improved the Match Verity™ View connection in Revit®.
- Updated third party license information for new libraries.
- Add code signing to all installed executable files.
- Discontinued support for Publishing to Autodesk® BIM 360 Field, BIMTrack® (now Newforma® Konekt®), and Procore®.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that caused a “Server Busy” dialog to block an analysis in Autodesk® Navisworks®
- Fixed a bug that prevented the arrow keys from navigating in Verity™ for Revit®.
- Fixed a bug that caused Verity™ to always say it’s opening a new project when opening an existing project.
Known Issues
- In Revit®, all scans locations in a loaded RCP are added to an analysis regardless of visibility.
- In Revit®, load bars are not accurate.
- Temporarily disabled the Push properties and Export As-Built Copy lock buttons in Revit®.
- Smart points export do not keep the shared coordinate location when reimporting back into Revit®.
- Verity™ is only able to work with projects that use the default name and are next to the host file.
New Features
- Added Autodesk® Revit® 2021-2024 as new hosts for Verity.
- Added ClearEdge3D Tools For Revit® 0.4.1 for additional free tools in Autodesk® Revit® 2021-2024.
- Removed Rithm from the Verity™ installer.
- Modified host management to follow the host document for better multi-host support.
- Removed Desktop Icons for opening Verity™ for Navisworks® now that there are two hosts.
- Added a Verity™ Last Modified date parameter to properties pushed to host.
- Added a Verity™ Element Type parameter to properties pushed to the host.
- Improved scaling for PDF reports.
- Updated button names and tool tip descriptions to support multiple hosts.
- Added a warning when trying to add elements from a linked model in Revit®.
- Moved documentation out of the installer to this unified online knowledge base.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that blocked Verity™ from opening on a restricted network.
- Fixed a bug that prevented users from changing the file name when generating reports.
Known Issues
- In Revit®, all scans locations in a loaded RCP are added to an analysis regardless of visibility.
- In Revit®, load bars are not accurate.
- Temporarily disabled the Push properties and Export As-Built Copy lock buttons in Revit®.
- Smart points export do not keep the shared coordinate location when reimporting back into Revit®.
- Using the arrow keys to navigate up and down the list of elements in Verity™ does not work.
- The measurement tool does not properly show a line.
- When Verity™ opens an existing project, it says its opening a new project.
- Verity™ is only able to work with projects that use the default name and are next to the host file.
- Upgrade to new Sentinel LDK to address issues with Cloudstrike security software.
- Verity™ Web login will only show once per session to prevent issues with attempting to switch accounts.
Bug Fixes
- Measure Scan Point Distance tool will no longer cause a crash of the host application.
- Verity™ Web Reporting has been fixed to point to new server locations.
- Published data to web platforms will now follow the user’s unit settings in Verity.
- Attachments published to web platforms will now follow the user’s unit settings in Verity.
- Support for Navisworks® 2024.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where publishing to Procore broke due to format change in project value.
- Fixed an issue where the % coverage column would disappear after switching between analyses.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where publishing options were using sandbox credentials.
- Switched to using Agave API to upload issues to BIMTrack, Procore, and Autodesk® BIM 360 Field.
- Added the Autodesk® Navisworks® GUID to CSV exports from Verity™ to support scripting workflows.
- Updated to latest Sentinel LDK to incorporate fix for issues with network licensing.
Bug Fixes
- Add to Verity™ (Selected Items as a single element) option now uses the selected node instead of search tree to aggregate geometry.
- Percent coverage now pushes to Navisworks® successfully and updates correctly.
- Navisworks® now launches correctly when a Verity™ license is not found.
- Resolved issue where adding a single item as a group that was already added would hang Verity.
- Opening an old analysis will no longer hang Verity™ if you try to show a heatmap.
Known Issues
- Uploading PDFs to Procore through their API fails and the PDF is corrupted, Procore has been notified and there is a fix pending.
- Section boxes in Procore are not created for issues, will be implemented in next release once it is supported by Agave.
- Added Navisworks® 2023 support.
- Upgraded to the Recap 2023 SDK.
- Updated error handling for older Recap projects.
Known Issues
- BIMTrack login issues.
- Added an Add to Verity™ (Selected Items as a single element) option.
- Modernized the installer.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug with creating Verity™ Web Reports.
Known Issues
- BIMTrack login issues.
- Support for Autodesk® Navisworks® 2022.
- Added Network Licensing.
- Added Perpetual Licensing.
- Added Enterprise Licensing.
- Continued analysis performance improvements.
- Added support to upload PDF reports to cloud publishing services.
- Added telemetry tracking for basic usage information.
- Updated branding.
- Generalized the license installer tool.
Bug Fixes
- Continued to stabilize multi-threaded analysis.
Known Issues
- BIMTrack login issues.
- Updated End User License Agreement.
- Added way to optionally use older point loading method, which will likely have slower performance.
- Improved Analyze performance with Multi-Threading
- Added PDF Reports
- Added link to Verity™ Knowledge Base.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash that would occur when loading points from a ReCap project that has had points deleted and optimized.
- Scans with removed and optimized points may not load in some cases.
- Fixed rare crash that would occur upon opening an Analysis.
- Fixed bug where the Scan Cache folder was being erroneously created.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug with Rithm Licenses.
- Improved Analyze performance using multi-threading.
- Rithm Improvements
- Added support for Navisworks® Manage 2021 and Navisworks® Simulate 2021.
- Updated Gemalto License installer to 8.11.
- No changes were made to Verity™ in this release (See Rithm release notes).
- Added Verity™ Web Reports: A web-hosted alternative to HTML reports that includes a fully navigable 3D view containing the point cloud, geometry and heatmaps that Verity™ produces. This feature may not be available depending on your Verity™ license.
- Added “Search Box Offset” under “Advanced” option in Analyze Dialog. This feature is only available with a Tech Preview license.
- Added “Maximum Number of Points” under “Advanced” option in Analyze Dialog. This feature is only available with a Tech Preview license.
- Added “Per Item” option to smart points export.
- Heatmap recalculation now includes a % coverage recalculation.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash that occurs when switching back to a previously opened Verity™ project.
- Fixed a bug that would occur after multiple reports are created in a row where Verity™ would not remember the last report directory.
- Verity™ will now detect if un-supported selections (such as .PTX point clouds) are being added to Verity™ and provide a detailed report of the items rejected.
- Fixed an issue where Verity™ don’t provide the Summary/Table/Table + Items report (for both regular Html and Verity™ Web) when there is only one selected item.
- Added Verity™ Web Reports: A web-hosted alternative to HTML reports that includes a fully navigable 3D view containing the point cloud, geometry and heatmaps that Verity™ produces. This feature may not be available depending on your Verity™ license.
- Added “Search Box Offset” under “Advanced” option in Analyze Dialog. This feature is only available with a Tech Preview license.
- Added “Maximum Number of Points” under “Advanced” option in Analyze Dialog. This feature is only available with a Tech Preview license.
- Added “Per Item” option to smart points export.
- Heatmap recalculation now includes a % coverage recalculation.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash that occurs when switching back to a previously opened Verity™ project.
- Fixed a bug that would occur after multiple reports are created in a row where Verity™ would not remember the last report directory.
- Verity™ will now detect if un-supported selections (such as .PTX point clouds) are being added to Verity™ and provide a detailed report of the items rejected.
- Fixed an issue where Verity™ don’t provide the Summary/Table/Table + Items report (for both Regular Html and Verity™ Web) when there is only one selected item
- Added As-Built/As-Designed legend to item HTML report snapshot.
- Enhanced Match View Frame to work in more conditions and have a better match between Verity™ and the Host view.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with Ctrl + C in the Verity™ table.
- Fixed a bug where the coverage value stayed in the cell after manually moving it.
- Fixed a bug where the coverage value wasn’t updating after refit.
- Fixed a bug where the view wasn’t oriented to the faces with the most coverage.
- Fixed a bug where properties were not refreshing in the host in specific corner cases.
- Fixed a bug where the Remove Selected Items button isn’t greyed out when selecting a scan in the Scan table.
- Integrate Rithm into Verity™ for use of Rithm’s features and algorithms inside of Navisworks.
- Changed the background to a black color (based on popular demand).
Bug Fixes
- Fixed several small bugs in Verity™ 1.6.
- Public release of Procore integration allowing users to create observations or coordination issues from their Verity™ items.
- Public release of BIMTrack integration allowing users to create issues from their Verity™ items.
- Public release of BIM 360 Field (classic) integration allowing users to create issues from their Verity™ items.
- Refined fitting algorithm that delivers a tighter fit to elements that are deformed (beams that are deflected) or have non-modeled surface variations on them (such as gusset plates).
- Added scanner view images to all issue tracking systems; and the scanner viewpoint is one of the five in BIMTrack, and is the viewpoint used in Procore’s coordination issues.
- Added section boxes to BIMTrack viewpoints, except the scanner viewpoint where it remains turned off.
- Added a logout option for BIMTrack.
- Added “As-Built” geometry .OBJ file as an attachment to each created issue in all issue tracking systems.
- Added “Smartpoints” .PTS attachment to each created issue in all issue tracking systems.
- Added “Item Report” .HTML file for each item in all issue tracking systems.
- Users can now match the section box in Navisworks® to the section box in Verity. (This is only available in Navisworks® 2017, 2018, and 2019)
- Users can now turn on adjacent As-Built geometry.
- Users can now change the render size of points on the screen in Verity.
- Users can now export “As-Built” geometry for selected items to an .OBJ file.
- Users can now generate individual HTML reports for each item in the selection set without having to generate a table.
- Added a legend to the Verity™ window to clarify what each piece of geometry represents.
- Added an “Advanced” section in the Analyze dialog.
- Added “Minimum Number of Points” under the “Advanced” setting in Analyze dialog to allow users to adapt the algorithms to low-resolution data sets.
- Added “Expected Scan Noise” and “Expected Surface Deformation” under the “Advanced” setting in Analyze dialog to allow users to adapt the algorithms to higher or lower accuracy instruments and unique field conditions.
Bug Fixes
- Verity™ now allows duplicated scan cloud names.
- ScanCache voxel file names are abbreviated to allow longer file paths.
- Item table now supports manual resizing on columns and auto-resizing on editable columns.
- Fixed a bug which caused weird behavior when dragging the as-built in move mode a second time.
- Fixed a bug where Verity™ crashed while Navisworks® document is changing, e.g., a new file (.fbx, .rcp, etc.) is being appended.
- Fixed a critical bug where items with a long axis within 5 degrees of vertical were reporting an incorrect twist value. Reported values now match the documentation.
- Fixed a bug that pushed incorrect as-built transforms to Navisworks® for items that required mesh repair during analyze.
- BIM Track Technical Preview (Beta): Added the ability to create issues in BIM Track for selected items. Issues contain table data, camera information, images, and HTML files.
- Contact ClearEdge3D Technical Support for more information
- BIM 360 Field Technical Preview (Beta): Additional improvements to the information uploaded to draft issues, and new messages in case of failures to upload certain data or entire issues to BIM 360 Field.
- Contact ClearEdge3D Technical Support for more information
- Added support for Navisworks® Manage 2019 and Navisworks® Simulate 2019.
- Added a column in the table called “% Coverage” as a reliability metric for our algorithm’s result that calculates the percentage of the item covered with scan data.
- Changed rotation of items to be around the center of the opposite side of the geometry to assist in manual adjustments to rotation.
- Users can now control the visibility and opacity of neighboring analyzed geometry within the crop region of the selected item. Neighbor geometry is colored gray in Verity.
- Selecting a scan in Verity’s scan table now selects the same scan in Navisworks.
- To make it obvious that the As-Built object’s position can be adjusted, the As-Built object will be highlighted, and the cursor will change to a 4-way arrow when the mouse is hovering over it in any of the projected views (Quad Pane Mode Only).
- When a measurement mode is activated, the target geometry for that measurement type is highlighted to make it obvious which geometry should be clicked on to take the measurement. The highlighting effect is further increased and the cursor changes to a crosshair when hovering over the target geometry.
- Introduced new unified data detection capabilities – Duplicate scanner locations will now be detected when adding scans to Verity.
- Measurement tool between As-Built and As-Designed geometry now includes individual values for X, Y, and Z measurements.
- All geometry now has a single check-box to control its visibility as a wireframe view style can be achieved by setting the opacity to 0.
- When selecting an item with an out of date heatmap, Verity™ will automatically recalculate that item’s heatmap before displaying it, generating reports, or publishing it.
- Added option to color scans by scanner location, the 10 scans with the most coverage on the item will be mapped to unique color values, any remaining scans will remain white.
- Added a new camera mode called Scanner View which allows the user to see an element from the scanner with the most coverage of the element.
- After analysis, the Auto Zoom camera location in the Host uses the scanner location with the most coverage to increase the likelihood that the item is visible in the host viewer.
- The scan and item tables now have status bars which show the number of items in the table.
- The scan cache folder is now automatically removed once the Analyze process is complete, and users can now use all functionality (such as Refit) with the scan cache removed.
- Added algorithm to auto-detect the best view angle for each item so Verity™ would no longer pick a default view looking at a side with no point data.
- Fixed a bug where closing out of Navisworks® with Verity™ Open and Inspection Mode on would result in the element transparency being saved to the NWF.
- Fixed a bug where pressing Open Verity™ in the Navisworks® plugin would crash Verity™ if it was already open, instead it now brings Verity™ back to the foreground.
- Fixed a bug where views that open with no visible geometry would not refresh properly when visibility settings change.
- Fixed a bug where search box for cylindrical objects were not aligned with z axis.
- The tooltip for Export Selection now accurately describes that it will only Auto-Zoom if the Auto-Zoom functionality is turned on, otherwise only the selection will be pushed.
- The active reviewer and display units are now saved in the project.
- Release notes are now available from the Verity™ help menu.
- Added Build ID in Verity™ “About”.
- Mobile Data Technical Preview (Beta): Added the ability to analyze unstructured scans from mobile or other non-terrestrial scanners provided that the files are written to ReCap directly and include required information.
- Contact ClearEdge3D Technical Support for more information
- BIM 360 Field Technical Preview (Beta): Added the ability to create draft issues in BIM 360 field from Verity™ for selected items. Draft issues contain table data, images, and HTML files.
- Contact ClearEdge3D Technical Support for more information
- Smart points export follow WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) philosophy.
- Holding down Ctrl and dragging restricts Verity™ item movement orthogonal to the view.
- Match View Frame now works bi-directionally with Navisworks.
- Measure Scan Point Distance tool now shows the number of points used in the measurement, highlights those points in the viewer, and shows a graphical representation of the calculated average distance.
- Added a new measurement tool that calculates the distance from any click point on the As-Built geometry to the correlated point on the As-Designed geometry.
- You can now click on on-edge geometry in the viewer when trying to move it.
- All HTML reports now automatically open in the default web browser after being generated.
- Added tooltips to key elements in all HTML reports and improved scaling for mobile viewing.
- Removed the spinner control from the Heatmap Step Size text box.
- Fixed bug where points inside thin walled geometry were being colorized and measured off the inner surface instead of the outer surface.
- Added Run-time Environment check and installation tools to the License Tool.
- Added an open option at the end of license installation to the License Tool.
- Added a new heatmap called As-Designed Uncorrected.
- Numeric textboxes now commit when leaving focus if contents have changed.
- Pushing the escape key now cancels QA mode before clearing the selection.
- Added a location (X, Y, Z) to the Verity™ table and reports which tells the location of each item in the project coordinate system.
- When Inspection mode is on and Verity™ closes, Verity™ will now undo the visual changes in Navisworks® before exiting.
- Fixed a bug that caused Verity™ and Navisworks® to be disabled when cancel is clicked on the Unstructured Scans Warning dialog.
- Fixed a bug that caused Check and Repair Geometry to take a long time to complete on complex geometry.
- Remembers the location the last report was saved to and presents that location as default for the next report in a session.
- Introduced a Match Camera Frame mode, which moves the Navisworks® camera to match the Verity™ Camera.
- Created optional ways to Add items to Verity™ thorough Navisworks.
- Replaced the End-Of-Analyze dialog with an HTML Summary Report that show in a web browser.
- Added a Measure Scan Point distance mode, to measure the distance the points are from the As-Built element.
- The 3D viewer now shows both As-Designed and As-Built object when autofocusing.
- New options have been given for showing heatmaps in full HTML reports.
- Replaced the “Set Classification” and “Find As-Built Position” checkboxes in the Options for Analyze with “Find Installation Status and Conformance to Tolerance” which incorporates the effect for both.
- Added the ability for heatmaps to have stepped color ranges.
- Added the ability for heatmaps to make negative displacements a different color than positive displacements.
- Added controls to the GUI which allows the user to control how the heatmap represents the scan point displacements from the desired object.
- Added Heat map scale to show a visual legend of distances to colors in console window.
Key Features
- Identifying Elements in Autodesk® Navisworks® to Add to Verity™
- Use robust selection tools in Autodesk® Navisworks® to identify elements to analyze
- Add to Verity™ to aggregate your selections into a working set of items to analyze
- Select scans and Add to Verity™ to identify scans to include in analysis
- Remove items from Verity™ if you don’t need to analyze them
- Explode grouped geometry to bring in geometry from a level down in the Autodesk® Navisworks® tree
- Automatically isolate and compare geometry to scan data
- Isolate item geometry and surrounding points for manual comparison
- Automatically classify geometry as installed, not found, or occluded based on point data; or note as having insufficient data, no data, or uncertain
- Automatically best-fit installed items’ geometry to point data and determine if it is in or out of the user-defined tolerance
- Heat map colorization of point cloud data compared to the as-designed and as-built geometry
- QA the results of the automated analysis
- Sortable item table to rapidly organize and review analysis results
- Correct classifications for uncertain or incorrect results
- Move the as-built geometry manually if required
- Adjust the tolerance for individual items
- Re-fit geometry to points the user manually moves the geometry close to
- Re-calculate the heat maps if the user manually moves the geometry into place
- Workflow to review, sign off on, and note items for further actions
- Report the final results
- Push the Verity™ properties to Autodesk® Navisworks® automatically or manually
- Push as-built geometry locations to Autodesk® Navisworks® automatically or manually
- Export the points associated with selected items to PTS with heatmap or point cloud colorization
- Export individual item reports and the item table of selected items to HTML
- Export the item table of selected items to CSV
Verity™ is a companion application to Autodesk® Navisworks® Manage and Autodesk® Navisworks® Simulate, and supports the 2016 and 2017 versions of the product only. The advanced algorithms in our software require structured data (single RCS file per scan location) in RCS format appended to Navisworks® with the “Voxels” conversion mode. For now, this means mobile lidar data and photogrammetry derived point clouds are not supported. Unified data from terrestrial scanners is also not supported. Your scan provider can send you structured scan files per location that are registered together properly. Verity™ assumes the models and scans are on the same coordinate system in Autodesk® Navisworks®. If your laser scans and model are not on the same coordinate system, we recommend you work with your scan provider to establish project coordinates in the scan data. You can use the transform tools in Autodesk® Navisworks® to relatively locate the scans and geometry, but this workflow is not ideal.
Known Issues
- In order to maintain the link between Verity™ items and elements in Autodesk® Navisworks®, you must save the Autodesk® Navisworks® project after adding the items to Verity™ and before closing Autodesk® Navisworks®. Verity™ is a database and saves on every operation, but Autodesk® Navisworks® is not and must be saved to retain the data we push into it.
- Large Autodesk® Navisworks® files with high numbers of elements may experience a slow down each time “Add to Verity” is pushed. Each time this happens we search the Autodesk® Navisworks® model to validate our GUIDs. In the case of hundreds of thousands of elements, this process can take a long time. In this case we recommend breaking out smaller Autodesk® Navisworks® NWF files for use in Verity™ that don’t contain a lot of additional elements you are not intending to Analyze.
- Application does not support working on files on network storage. Working with files on a network storage device can cause extremely slow performance. Please store all working files locally. Note: This is not a Verity™ issue and may or may not be resolved.
- Check and repair damaged geometry feature will take a long time to complete on items with a large number of triangles. This is intended behavior, but in fringe cases it can increase the analysis time by as much as 10X.
- We do our best to correctly guess the right level of the element tree in Autodesk® Navisworks® to bring geometry into Verity™. However, depending on how the file is structured, we may not guess correctly, and multiple elements may be grouped into a single item, reducing the effectiveness of our analysis. We have added an “Explode” button to allow you to collapse a level down in the Autodesk® Navisworks® tree structure.
- When manually adjusting geometry, you must click on the surface of the As-Built geometry in order to get it to move or rotate. For single-surface geometry there will be views where you can only see the edge of the geometry and in these instances you will be unable to initiate a move or rotate action. You can either change the view frame to get a better angle or use the other two projected views with visible surfaces to move the geometry into place.
- Calculating three dimensional rotations is a complex procedure as there are multiple ways to calculate it. Additionally, if we have incorrectly identified the long axis, then these calculations will not likely be relevant. This may happen in the case of beams with lengths shorter than their depth for instance. Please refer to the “Rotation Metrics” section in the user guide for specifics of how we calculate rotation values.
- If you create a new analysis before you have completed QA on an older analysis, the “Accept Current Status” button will no longer work. You will still be able to change the review status using the in-table editing or the drop down menu in the menu bar. However, you will be unable to document the reviewer. Beta 2
- Imports selected geometry rather than all geometry
- Added Surface Area calculated column for pre-analyze sorting
- Added “Remove from Verity” button to remove items from working set
- Algorithmic improvements
- Added automatic correction for damaged host geometry
- Added graphical manual transformation override
- Added “Re-Fit” button to recalculate fit based on user transformation override
- Added “Re-Calculate Heat Map” button to update heatmap based on user transformation override
- Option to manually or automatically push table values and colors to Autodesk® Navisworks® properties
- HTML reporting Beta 1
- Select scans and Add to Verity™ to identify scans to include in analysis
- Push as-built geometry locations to Autodesk® Navisworks® automatically or manually
- Export the points associated with selected items to PTS with heatmap or point cloud colorization
- Added “Explode” button to force bringing in geometry from a level down in the Autodesk® Navisworks® tree
- Added the ability to change the tolerance per item in the table
- GUI rearranged to match Verity™ workflow